Help with RC stim/pyros

With various chemicals being hard to find but people still taking about them, obviously varied personal experiences, and few people testing batch quality or verifying chemical composition, it can be hard to get good info on what RCs best fit your desires. I'd like to explore this topic again.

I'm interested in decently available cheeks that have a low likelihood of bad long term physiological damage and ones they don't have an excessive duration. Any suggestions?

2-FA Maybe better than Adderall but not as euphoric as 3FA. 3-5 hour effect

2-FMA Very long lasting, too long, 7-9 hours

3-FA Doesn't last as long as 2-FA (is this good?) and has a better come down. Total 4-6 hours

3F-a-pvp Harsher than a-php or a-pvp but it's worthwhile. Most people selling it are actually selling 4F-a-PVP


A-PHP Sexually arousing. Maybe not as good as A-PVP. total 2-5 hours

A-PVP AKA Flakka. Total 2-6 hours

Hexen Often combined with NEP, can be harsh. Short acting. Cathinone

NEP Often combined with Hexen, can be harsh. Short acting. Less euphoric and more serotogenic than hexen. Cathinone
4fma is not like 4fa stop calling pevee flakka

Both nicknames(flakka/meowmoew) are pretty dumb but that i think that "flakka" name only really caught on in the US, people need to stop trying to be cute/cool with these drug nicknames and just call them what they are.

yes,mdpv is pevee but i always call also apvp pevee

ive never tried APVP but i can say i founnd 3f a pvp to be just as gnarly and worrying as the others.....a PiPH is probably the least ketchy i htink (no cathinine isnt sketchy as fuck though

2-FA is incredibly underwhelming.

A PiPH is good. MDPHP is good too. easier going than hexen and nep but less rewarding than A PHP....IMO

in the end about as fiendish as the high satisfies me for longer but its still really compulsive....felt less harsh on the body...not saying there safer though...A PiPH, while i still prefer A PHP, was probably the only stim i binge vaped and worried very little about my body...i didnt wish i had benzos like on everything else

I’m surprised to hear you say 2-fma lasts too long. I mean I know it is one of the longer lasting rc amphetamines atm, but it’s just so clean and crash-free that the longer duration doesn’t ever negatively effect me. Like lisdexamfetamine lasts about the same duration for me, but even if I take it right when I wake up I will have trouble sleeping.

I hear conflicting reports so I wonder how often this is from bad batches or incorrect chemicals. how often have you done each? If you've done each several times and always come to that conclusion, especially if from different vendors, then that seems like a very legitimate conclusion.

i’ve done well over 20gs of each. Hexen will fuck you... if you use it consistently you will go crackhead.. NEP N-ethyl pentedrone that is, is much more euphoric still addicting but you won’t be as cracked out.. Sinus favor NEP as hexen usually comes as shards in purer forms. I don’t smoke either i’ve tried and that’s just too much, i suggest insufflation and a sinus rinse after a binge!

Is Naphyrone still available anywhere? They really need to cook more 3,4-md-a-PBP as well... seems to be promising

These are copied notes from other people's experiences not my own. So if you feel like it's off it very well could be. I tried to get more than one opinion before saying something about a chemical
