Get addicted to etizolam instantly using this one wierd trick

Vaping etizolam is like the benzo equivalent to crack, vape a mg or two off of foil or in an oil burner instant rush, much much too enjoyable. 10/10 would not recommend.Seriously though, if you don't already have benzo dependence and wish to keep it that way, dont try this. Hell, even if you are dependent, just say no.

For more great terrible advice, check out my other post Law enforcement doesnt want you to know about this insanely proftible scheme!

I always read the posts first and then check the user but in his case there's no mistaking who writes those ramblings lol

he's like rc's pet

Also he is an OG on this sub, dudes been ambiguosly fucked up to the point you are not sure if it is a bot or just someone off their rockers typing the shit. Love the guy

Model customer? Yeah I remember when that dude first started popping up. He was very reserved. Is he the maniac around these parts now? Goddamn I've been gone for too long

I’ve vaped clonazolam pg in a dab rig. Shit works and it’s damn near instant.

So it sounds like vaping benzos might have a place as a “nightmare trip” killer. But other than that it probably destroys your benzo tolerance and leads to rapid dependence.

Yeah it would be highly effective as an immediate trip killer. I'm sure it didn't help my tolerance but I have good self control and never did it more than maybe 3 times in a week so I didn't notice much personally. Used an oral syringe to get the exact dose I wanted, heated the nail and dropped it in there.

This had been happening for years. I don't know which state, but one of them where it is illegal was catalyzed by a guy who dumped etiz in his car juice and feel asleep at the wheel.

Appalachian hillbilly here. I saw a few people dissolve ice into vape tanks and smoke it. It did seem to dissolve in the liquid, and they did appear high. The thing is, they were also high when they came up with the idea already. So take it with a grain of meth.

No this is real and 100% possible. Meth is highly soluble, and it is vaporized when smoked normally anyways. I've seen it, done it, it works. Also seen DMT in an e-vape and tried it. Works.

fucking true bro, and it's a great way of skyrocketing your tolerance to the point of taking 20+ mg in a day if done for days after days, after a week or two if your were already addicted, then, you will be addicted for real. OP is right, don't ever do this if you have never before, you don't want this burden.

Hence why I never smoked crack or did anything IV or meth. Always a bad choice. Dare is a joke it's like a catalog of drugs to do in your future. That's how I saw it.

The binders would probably make vaping the pellets horrible. They weigh what, like 100mg each? So like 1% of the pellet is what you want. Unless you ghost hit it you probably wouldn’t even absorb much of the etizolam.

Actually I think it would be could technically acetone wash it. Crush the pellet up, soak it in anhydrous acetone for awhile, filter out the binders from the mixture with coffee filters or actual filter paper, and let the mixture evaporate. The benzo should be left. But I wouldn’t try it unless you had like 100 pellets.

Or just put a highly concentrated PG solution into a juul pod. You’re welcome.

Also please do not do this ever, you will get addicted. After trying it once I got cravings for a week.

I don’t know about that... I would try it in case you waste your spirit molecule. I’d use a proper box mod w/ temp control and sub-ohm tank with ss coils so you can properly control the heat. I used to do this with meth and it worked wonders. I could blaze up anywhere without people taking second looks.

Well etizolam require a much higher temps tire than dmt

Where the fuck where you a week ago

vapes through 250mg stash as a first go

I one time put some etizolam on a cigarillo. It’s wasn’t too enjoyable. There was definitely this big rush at first, but quickly went away. It was also 10 mg (according to the psychonautwiki, I think it said to be available through smoking it has to be at least 10 mg). It was fun, but weak and wasteful. Would not do it again.

I tried and it didn't work for me, addiction-wise. It felt as an equivalent dose taken orally, just with a quicker onset. No rush, no extra euphoria, just the convenience of having it work right when I needed it.

I understand I might be atypical there so I don't recommend it, just sharing the experience.

Vaping PG alprazolam is something else

You can also IV/shoot benzos but i highly advise against this idea. Great way to fuck your veins and your life up simultaneously!

I've successfully vaped some left over pyrazolam I had in the bottom of a baggie in PG solution. The effect was almost instantaneous, but otherwise pretty much the same. Didn't feel the need to repeat it once the initial novelty had worn off.

How can you compare etizolam with crack? As far as I know benzos alone dont produce any euphoria, thats what wiki and my experience with benzos says

I’ve gotten IV Ativan at the ER a few times. It doesn’t make me feel euphoric like IV opioids, but it is relaxing if you are panicking, heart racing, 10/10 tense. After the initial release it is was just sleepy and unanxious.

To clear up some peoples confusion, there is no need to add the powder to e-juice, you can smoke the pure powder off of tinfoil or in an oil burner (meth pipe) and it works great.
Also, for people asking about etizolam pellets, it might work but there are going to be nasty fillers etc in the pellets that you probably shouldnt be inhaling.

I had 10 bottles of etizolam in pg solution once. For a total of 1000mg etizolam. Me and my Gf fired up the vape pen. Taking bigger and bigger hits. Black, for 3 days, just small clips of stupid shit. I remember we spilled lots of juices everywhere. At some point during this ordeal, apparently we ditched the vape pens. And just started manically dripping etizolam on paper bits and eating it. It is the biggest waste of drugs and money I ever did. Fucking thankful to be alive even, I remember we went to the store and shit. Just 2 sec clip of the way there. Spent all our moneys on candies. Dude lol, don't vape etizolam, or if you do, do it like you do, from a foil. So that you know exactly the dose you are taking. I even had hallucinations from the amount we did. Took 4 months almost off benzos to reset that tolerance. Stay safe bros

Did this a few years ago and it honestly did nothing to me but skyrocket my tolerance. Honestly the dumbest thing I've ever done, ended up drinking the whole etiz/Pg solution I had in one go and decided to go cold turkey after that. Bad idea!
