4C-D Large Dose Trial

Hey everyone!

Today I am doing my second trial of 4C-D, a supposed phenethylamine empathogen created by Shulgin.

My First Post Can be Found Here


4C-D (Wikipedia)

It will be a live trip report so I'll update as I go. Posted at T 2:30.

I started off my first trial with staggered doses, hoping to explore the effects of this compound in a safer way and to determine if a large dose would be worth it. I am now trialing a single large dose of 150 mg to report on the efficacy of this drug as a supposed empathogen and to get a better handle on the effects, onset, and the total duration.

I took my first dose at 6 pm, as such that will be T 0:00. I last ate at 2 pm, but it was a rather large lunch and by 6 pm I was still fairly full, so this will be a semi full stomach.

T 0:00: swallowed the 150 mg parachute with lots of water.

T 0:30: That characteristic, almost trippy peripheral headspace starts to kick in, like I know something has started working, but I can't put my finger on it, as of yet, there arent any other really noticable effects.

T 1:00: I've started feeling more energetic by a good amount, I opened up my laptop and decided I wanted to start this post. There's a certain drive that comes with this chemical, it gives me motivation to do the things I want to do, earlier I noticed I was getting far more into the match of BF5 I was playing, even talking out loud when I was killed, just generally feeling more excitable. no real euphoria to speak of, but the rate of my thoughts is increasing, feeling more analytical, wanting to type more than normal. There are some pleasant tingles on the top of my head and some tightness of the jaw is noted.

T 1:30: Increased urination and maybe some slight jitteriness, but nothing too intense or uncomfortable. There are no OEVs, except for that afore mentioned, spaced out trippy feeling, which in itself isn't all that impairing. My room feels its lacking something, and I think that something is music. I will put some on as I recall the music enhancement characteristic of 4C-D was really enjoyable. Music definitely sounds awesome, it doesn't really matter what I put on, it just jolts me with electricity. Getting up and moving has my body feeling like I'm full of lightning in a good way, i have plenty of energy, more than I really know what to do with, has me feeling like dancing. No significant increase of heart rate, in fact it feels quite easy on the body in general, and fairly lucid. My breathing isn't shallow, my mind isn't all over the place like it would be with MDMA. Rather I just feel this whole body enhancing feeling, like whatever comes will be experienced with more depth and acceptance. There's a good tactile enhancement, I'm more aware of my clothes touching my body, especially when focused on.

T 2:00: Well! the effects have plateaued from what I can see! there's no overcoming sense of euphoria, but a definite awakeness and enhancing feeling. I'm almost too stimmy, almost, like my legs are twitching and my jaw is clenching a bit, I just have this huge feeling of energy! I'm listening to Northern Lights By Zeds Dead and just absolutely loving it. If there's one thing I can describe this chem as, it's EXCITEMENT! Seriously there's no way to describe it other than feeling you got when you were younger and were on the drive to some big amusement park. I just feel an anticipation, not nervous but wholehearted enthusiasm. At the moment I'm not really annoyed by a lack of "peak" if you will, rather I'm just realizing that this chem seems more like empathogenic tofu. You might remember this nickname from the more popular 2C-D, Psychedelic tofu. I feel as though 4C-D is kinda like the empathogen version of this. I can't say for certain, but if I took this in combination with something more euphoric, I bet it would be an insane combo, maybe 4C-D and 6-APB.

I'm experiencing a lot of time dialation, what seems like it takes forever fits in 5 minutes. Seems like I'm able to fit a lot more in a minute.

T 2:30: Feeling my heartrate increase a bit, it startled me at first. But it's not high enough for me to get worried about. I went and smoked some weed, just to put myself in a different headspace. It's almost like the 2 highs have fused together, I'm feeling the weed pretty strong, and the 4C-D very strong, but the effects are hard to distinguish. I'm thinking that 150 mg was a bit of an overdose now that I know what to expect in terms of effects. I would imagine that a 120 mg dose would've been preferable for me, which was a bit lower than what the ratio I use (1.7 mg/kg) informed me to take. I think a ratio of 1.5 mg/kg would be a more accurate ratio for dosing. At the moment I'm feeling just a background sense of anxiety, that makes me wish I had just a mg of etizolam to scratch that itch.

T 3:30: I had a weird anxious period for a bit with a bunch of jitters, but it only lasted about 45 minutes. I can feel the effects coming down quite a bit, and feel much more lazy in body and mind, there's a small headache starting but it feels more like muscle tension and dehydration. I didn't sweat much but it really increased my desire to urinate. I'm getting some light shakes while I watch HxH, it's not alarming because I know it'll go away soon, however it's good to note that jitteriness is a pretty common for this chemical.

T 4:00: I have a full body laziness over me right now, though I still feel pretty awake I don't have the same motivation and energy that was pushing me earlier. I'm a little surprised it burnt out as quick as it did, 4 hours after ingesting and I'm already over the peak and coming down. It's a comfortable comedown at least, just with the mild tremors still lingering. I have an urge to eat and drink, and the headache is fading. I'm gonna smoke more weed and grab some dinner, I doubt there will be much more of interest left to report on.

TL;DR / Effect summary/ Notes: Took a bit too high of a dose, a better dose for me would've been 120 mg not 150 mg. The effects can be described as excitability and anticipation, relatively clearheaded motivation and focus. An urge to share with others and be more open and honest. Electric sensations all throughout my body making me want to move, smile, and dance, plenty of energy. Increased urination and pupil dilation.

The peak lasted about 2 hours, with come up taking an hour, and comedown stretching on with residual stimulation and some tingling sensations in extremities. The comedown will probably last another 2 hours, making me think this chem likely has about a 6 hour duration in total, maybe 8 h if I'm being cautious.

Amazing report, it is good to see someone trialed a higher dose and sounds like it could be festival worthy.

Thank you, nothing better than sharing your findings with the community and having fun while you do it.

It definitely could be festival worthy, it's not too taxing on the body, it doesn't cloud your mind or make you scattered and in reasonable doses gives you the energy to dance and socialize without it feeling like too forceful of a push. My only worry is that the duration is kinda short, I feel as though this would make for a great booster with other empathogens, but until we're sure if that's safe, I wouldn't recommend it.

Interesting stuff, thanks for this. After reading the PIHKAL entry again, it's funny how Shulgin's musings on ARIADNE are so related to classical industrial research, rather than what the RC scene has turned into today. I wonder what he would think of some of the novel arylcyclohexylamines...
Happy to help in the quest for knowledge! He'd probably be impressed with the strides chemistry has come for this industry to thrive, but disparaged with all the sacrifice and for the reason the industry progresses. Though I'm sure the knowledge wouldn't be anything new to him
Thanks for writing this up and taking the plunge, very well-crafted! Do you feel it would pair well with any substances other than cannabis?
I was thinking that this drug may act as a great booster to already euphoric drugs like mdma, 6-apb, etc. as it sort of lacks the general euphoria you'd look for in these drugs, but retains a fun social push and excitability as well as that electric like feel in the body. Makes me think it'd be great for dancing and festivals as another user noted.

Please do. You'd be doing the community a service as this has been around for some time now but people are either not trying it or not posting any reports.

Even if it's not a detailed time stamped report it'd still be great to hear more experiences about this

Glad you shared this, was litterally wondering when someone would give us an update on this substance 2 hours ago. Crazy coincidence!

You are a brave man! (or lady) Glad you had a pleasant experience. Any chance you were able to reagent test this? I am thinking of picking up a gram and explore a bit as well.
I second this request. I think there's only one place it's coming from but it'd still be good if a handful of reagent results were out there for people to confirm their own batch

hey, I've got some of this and a full test kit from SIN. How would the whole sharing the tests thing work though? Just pictures of the final result or videos? I only have an Android phone to do this and I'd rather not dox myself. I can probably do it sometime next week
great report once again bud, didn't know you were a fellow fan of Zeds Dead ;) I'm sure we will talk soon, hope your evening was as cozy as it sounded!
Didn't know you liked them, saw them at a festival a couple years back and since then I've really enjoyed most of their music. We'll chat more later, gonna head to bed!

How do you think this would pair with a tryptamine entactogen like Foxy, Moxy or their 4-subbed counterparts? Would the tactility be too much?

I'd be wary of pairing this with a stimulant. It's probably a bit of a stimulant on its own.
I can't comment too much on that as I don't have a ton of experience with 5-meo-mipt. I'd be quicker to recommend using 4-ho-met with it to get an idea for how it flips and combos. Start simple and work your way up, for all I know mixing one of the more empathogenic tryptamines such as Moxy or foxy could be great.

Would not mix it with 5-meo-mipt, other than with very very low doses. There are reports of serotonin syndrome with 5-meo-mipt and classical se releasers, who knows if this one has additional maoi properties.

You've got a point, it's far too new and under-researched to began making claims that it may be good to mix with anything. I'm thinking on pure speculation here, but even then I wouldn't be so quick to attempt a combo until more user reports get out.
